Have you wanted to OWN YOUR OWN HOME? 72% of buyers are now end-users, not buy-to-let landlords. Have you spent a FORTUNE ON RENT? An average family loses Dh1.3 million of its wealth on renting. OWNING YOUR OWN VILLA will turn housing cost from a liability into a WEALTH BUILDING EXERCISE. You came here to build wealth, not lose it. Your children will have a HAPPY CHILDHOOD and your wife will have her dream fulfilled. Your own villa will be a SANCTUARY REWARDING YOUR EVENINGS for the efforts of your days. Independent will help RAISE YOU THE RIGHT MORTGAGE FOR FREE and SOURCE THE RIGHT PROPERTY, all under one roof. We have served our clients for 15-years now, made thousands of families homeowners.... and a few millionaires.
LAGOON is the townhouse district located in HEART OF NEW DUBAILAND, opposite DAMAC HILLS 1. With 19 MINUTES OF DRIVING DISTANCE from Trade Centre, you will ESCAPE THE TRAFFIC JAMS and enjoy the drive home. After A hard day’s work, you will arrive home to a LUSH LAGOON, WATERFRONT BEACH AND WATERFLOATING CINEMA & GYM beckoning you for evening exercises. With its facilities your family will enjoy healthy activities like FOOTBALL, CRICKET, TENNIS, BASKETBALL, JOGGING OR many more activities for refreshment you think DAMAC brought it for you al ..
Ground floor of the featured townhouse has a large living room, dining area, master bedroom with ensuite-bathroom, storage, outdoor patio, kitchen, and a large back-garden. 1st floor has three bedrooms, a Juliette balcony and two bathrooms. The house has a LARGE WALK-IN CLOSET attached to the master bedroom. After 37% PRICE RISE LAST YEAR and still rising, current asking price is DH –3.5 M and it will jump to start of next year is 4+M guaranteed.
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The information is given according to data from the developer